Some "ET's" visit Earth for research, others to escape wars and a few have come down from space to guide us or prepare us. I have done a lot of research on the the matter and have found that not all Aliens are Extra-Terrestrials.
the main frequent visitors are:

2/ GREY: In the Bible, Koran, and many other religious texts you can find reference's to the Greys. The fallen Angels, Goblins, Demons, Witches, Warlocks, Satan, the Devil the list is an endless one. It has been found that Greys hate light and have been known to run from it screaming in agony with a trail of steam or smoke trailing behind. The Greys took over the Nordic home world the same way they plan to take over ours. see THE GREY INVASION for more information.The greys have NO emotions, and NO sex organs, this is because they mastered genetic control long ago, and the first thing they did was edit themselves into the perfect creature (well what they saw as the perfect creature anyway), but cause of this their young are grown in tubes and this is were HYBRIDS come into the mix. the Greys have made thousands of species of Hybrid across the known GALAXY (Although this is an estimation). They on only have three on Earth one is now thought to be extinct the others are listed below (see types 3 and 4). the Greys feed differently to their creations, the absorb the ATOMS out their food so DO NOT let one touch you!

when the first sightings were reported it wasn't long till they began attacking people, within a fortnight of the first sightings ALL of the American-Atlantic islands 40 people reported attacks from American-Atlantic islands to MEXICO! and sightings rocketed. The Creature soon got confused with a Dog like creature also called CHUBACABRA was forced out of its habitat by the Alien Chubacabra. this meant that the two were constantly seen by humans who were then usually attacked by the Alien Chubacabra. the Dog Chubacabra begun dieing out as it could not compeate with the strange Hybrid for its main food source..... blood. Its thought that the chubacabra have the Greys telepathic capability's.

4/VAMPIRES: these Hybrids are closely related to to us.
But the most fascinating about this creature is that it prove one thing about the Greys and Chubacabras, they all consume blood. The Vampires are interesting because some have sided with us and done everything to mingle with us, others have sided with the Greys and do their very best to kill us.
Legend says Vampires cannot enter your house unless YOU say they can or let them in in anyway.
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